VPSPMS Arts Commerce & Science College, Kannad
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About Department

  • Department of Psychology: At a Glance: -

The Department of Psychology at the V. P. S. P. M. S Arts, Commerce & Science College has cultivated a tradition of strong, empirically based teaching and research in psychology for sustainable development. The department of psychology has been initiated in the year 2000 with Undergraduate classes. With respect to teaching learning programs, it is needless to say that our students acquire knowledge obediently from the faculty members and attend the classes and seminars with high discipline. Since it is a rural based college, most of the students of our department come from lower middle class farmer families. They require more care from the faculty members for their growth. To fulfill their need, we are spending some classes to guide them in terms of remedial classes.

As regards to the members of faculty of the department presently there are two teaching faculty, Dr. Mahendra Patil and Dr. Sudhir Pawar. Now faculties of the department have been imparting teaching to the students. The teaching members of the department take active initiation in the organization of department activities and work as a stimulating force for the students as well as for other members of the college.

Keep in the view of following vision and mission the Department of Psychology try to achieve the stated objectives –

Vision: -

The Department of Psychology of our College seeks to be a leader in Psychology discipline, and enhances ability to apply or utilize psychological fact in their life.

Mission: -

The mission of the Department of Psychology includes teaching, research, and service. We provide disciplinary knowledge to Students of Psychology, to contribute in performance enhancement of human resource through Psychological and Organizational Research, Training and Consultancy.

Objectives of Department: -

  1. This Department of Psychology aims and understanding the behaviour of individuals along with other organizational assets.

  2. Students are expected to learn not only the theoretical aspects of the course but also to familiarize themselves with the skills, techniques and their application.

  3. The Department of Psychology would create an enabling experience with the societal contexts.

  4. This Department of Psychology helps the students for understanding the process of Psychological research.

  5. To impart Knowledge about the normality and Abnormality.

  6. To make students understand the nature and Course of various abnormal conditions.

  7. To impart Knowledge and skills needed for Psychological assessment of different abnormal conditions.

  8. To enable student to make the connection between psychology and its practical application to everyday life.

  9. To train student how psychological principles can help them to face life’s challenges.

  10. To enables students to relate what they are learning in class to issues that they encounter in their everyday life, such as stress, health, work, personal relationships, communication and self-esteem.

  11. To train students in various psychological assessment techniques.

  12. To acquaint the student and make them understand the different statistical methods with their uses and interpretations.

  13. To impart skills necessary for selecting and applying different tests for different purpose such as evaluation, training, rehabilitation etc.

  14. To create interest in psychological phenomenon and nurture the skill of observation.

  15. To develop awareness of psychological of psychological tools, techniques and tests.

Importance of the subject

Psychology is the study of human behavior and mental processes. Psychologists study a person’s reactions, emotions, and behavior, and apply their understanding of that behavior to treat the associated behavioral problems. Treatment is focused on therapy and counseling, rather than prescribing medications for a “quick fix.” Psychologists are therefore responsible for identifying psychological, emotional, and/or behavioral issues, as well as diagnosing any specific disorders, by using information gleaned from patient interviews, patient’s tests and records, and medical reference materials. It is also the psychologist’s job to come up with an individualized treatment plan for each patient, and to modify it as necessary over time (depending on the patient’s progress). Aspirants who have successfully completed their training in psychology can make their mark in the following lucrative branches of psychology.

  • Clinical Psychology: - Clinical psychologists assess and treat people with psychological problems. They may act as therapists for people who are experiencing normal psychological crises (e.g., grief) or for individuals suffering from chronic psychiatric disorders. Some clinical psychologists are generalists who work with a wide variety of populations, while others work with specific groups such as children, the elderly, or those with specific disorders

  • Counseling Psychology: - Counseling psychologists do many of the same things that clinical psychologists do. However, counseling psychologists tend to focus more on persons with adjustment problems rather than on persons suffering from severe psychological disorders. They may be trained in psychology departments or in education departments. Counselling psychologists are employed in academic settings, college counselling centres, community mental health centres.

  • Health Psychology: - Health psychologists are concerned with psychology's contributions to the promotion and maintenance of good health and the prevention and treatment of illness. They may design and conduct programmes to help individuals stop smoking, lose weight, shed alcoholism, manage stress, and stay physically fit. They are employed in hospitals, medical schools, rehabilitation centres, public health agencies, academic settings, and private practice.

  • Teaching and Research: - If you're interested in teaching undergraduate, master's-level, or doctoral-level students, you will probably work in a university setting, where you will probably also do research. If an individual is not interested in teaching and wants to focus on research, he/she can work for government agencies (for example, the Centres for Disease Control) or for private research organizations. To work as a psychologist in these settings, one would need a Ph.D. in psychology.

  • Industrial/Organizational Psychology: - I/O psychologists (as they are usually called) are concerned with the relationships between people and their work environments. They may develop new ways to increase workplace productivity or be involved in personnel selection. They are employed in business, government agencies, factories, industrial set-ups corporate houses and academic establishments.

  • Sports Psychology: - Sports psychologists are concerned with the psychological factors that improve athletic performance. They also look at the effects of exercise and physical activity on psychological adjustment and health. Sports psychologists typically work in academic settings and/or as consultants for sports teams.

  • Agency/Community Counseling: - Graduate programs in agency or community counseling train you to do counselling in human service agencies in the local community--for example, in community mental health centres. They may also train you to administer a limited number of psychological tests (vocational interest tests, for example). The work is similar to that done by a person with a master's or doctoral degree in clinical or counseling psychology: psychotherapy and, perhaps, limited psychological testing.

  • Educational Psychology: - Educational psychologists attempt to understand the basic aspects of human learning and to develop materials and strategies for enhancing the learning process. For example, an educational psychologist might study reading and then develop a new technique for teaching reading. Educational psychologists are typically trained in departments of education (known as departments of psychology) and employed in colleges and universities.

  • School Counselling: - School counselors work with children who are troubled, helping such children function more effectively with their peers and teachers, deal with family problems, etc. They work at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.

  • School Psychology: - School psychologists do a lot of testing--mostly of children who are encountering difficulties in school--to try to diagnose the problem and, sometimes, to suggest ways of dealing with the problem. School psychologists are typically trained in departments of education (vs. departments of psychology) and work in public school systems.

  • Social Work: - Another career option to consider if you're interested in counseling is social work. As is true with other disciplines, there are a variety of allied fields in social work. Social workers who practice psychotherapy are usually called either clinical social workers or psychiatric social workers. Clinical social workers are trained to diagnose and treat psychological problems. Psychiatric social workers provide services to individuals, married couples, families, and small groups. They work in mental health centres, counseling centres, sheltered workshops, hospitals, and schools. They may also have their own private practice


Faculty Members

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Email: mahendrapsy@gmail.com
Designation: Associate Professor
Contact: 9823616322

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Email: sudhir8910@gmail.com
Designation: Associate Professor
Contact: 9423986399

Laboratory Staff